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11 Reasons to be more transparent with your food

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

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Key Takeaways

A YouGov survey has shown there to have been massive growth in the “FreeFrom” food market in the last five years, with one in five of the UK population considering themselves to have a food allergy or an intolerance, and almost a third of UK households containing at least one sufferer. Now, more than ever, it is imperative to start showing transparency in your food, to grow your business and gain the trust of a wider audience.

11 reasons you should start being transparent with your food:

  1. The ‘FreeFrom” food market has increased by 72% in the last 5 years, with Mintel predicting it to be worth a massive £673 million by 2020!
  2. The NHS reported a 36% increase in hospital admissions as a result of allergies from 2011/12 to 2015/16.
  3. There has been a 300% increase in the number of gluten-free items listed on restaurant menus since 2011.
  4. A quarter of all UK households are affected by food allergies or intolerances, with 22% of the UK population considering themselves to have a food allergy or an intolerance.
  5. Alarmingly 56% of diners with an allergy said that they have been made to feel like an inconvenience.
  6. Gluten and dairy are the most common allergens with 12% of UK households affected by a dairy allergy/intolerance and 10% of UK households affected by a gluten allergy/intolerance.
  7. 36% of sufferers say that food allergies/intolerances restrict their life.
  8. 57% of sufferers think that there is still a lot of negativity around food allergies and intolerances.
  9. 1 in 5 food allergy sufferers finds eating out to be problematic.
  10. 42% of parents with children who have allergies avoid takeaways.
  11. 54% of allergy suffers agree that “restaurants do not offer sufficient information or support to allergy sufferers”, with only 14% thinking that they do.At Kafoodle we can help.
11 Reasons to be transparent with your food

You can find out more about what Kafoodle can do for you here or by contacting us directly at: info@kafoodle.com or on 02033710450We'd love to hear from you!