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Reduce your footprint with carbon labelling

Carbon labelling solutions for the food industry. Auto-calculate a recipe's carbon footprint per serving and add it to your food labels.

Carbon label badge ratibng for food recipe.

Your Carbon 
Emissions Dashboard

The food industry is responsible for more than 25% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. The My Emissions rating system has made it as easy as possible for food companies and consumers to understand the environmental impact of food. Easily track and reduce the carbon emissions of your recipes by storing all your data in a visualised dashboard.

Identify high emission recipes and ingredients

Pinpoint your most carbon-intensive recipes, enabling strategic ingredient substitutions and crafting more sustainable, eco-friendly menus.

Track and improve performance overtime

Monitor evolving carbon footprints, consistently set reduction targets, and continuously enhance your operational sustainability strategies.

Display sustainability performance

Showcase transparent carbon data, inspiring customers and stakeholders with your organisation’s commitment to sustainable progress.

Monitor, Report & Improve

Easily track and reduce the carbon emissions of your recipes by storing all your data in a visualised dashboard.

Understand your carbon emissions baseline, identify emission hotspots, set emissions reduction targets, track progress, and access clear data insights to inform sustainability marketing initiatives.

Watch our carbon labelling webinar recording

Calculating carbon on recipes, a nice to have or becoming a business necessity?

watch food carbon labelling webinar

Carbon Labelling Explained

Carbon labelling is also known as carbon footprint labelling. It's when you add details to a product's label that displays its carbon footprint.Carbon labelling involves measuring the greenhouse gas emissions associated with a product’s life cycle. Then applying that measurement to the product’s packaging or label. The product life cycle includes the production, packaging and distribution.  Carbon labelling encourages consumers to choose products with lower environmental impact.

Carbon Footprint Labelling

Carbon labelling is also known as carbon footprint labelling. It's when you add details to a product's label that displays its carbon footprint.Carbon labelling involves measuring the greenhouse gas emissions associated with a product’s life cycle. Then applying that measurement to the product’s packaging or label. The product life cycle includes the production, packaging and distribution.  Carbon labelling encourages consumers to choose products with lower environmental impact.

Recipe Integration 

Built directly into the Kafoodle recipe database, users have to tick the ‘calculate carbon footprint’ options once 

creating a recipe to calculate the carbon score. 

Users can view a recipe’s carbon rating from the recipe home screen or the Carbon Footprint Datasheet for a more detailed overview of an account’s recipe’s performance that can be exported and further analysed. 

Labelling Integration 

Quickly add a recipe’s carbon footprint score to food labels by selecting the option inside the label template builder or download the carbon rating label as a PNG file for external use, such as marketing activities.

screen shot of food labelling template library software.

Download Our Free Whitepaper
Carbon labelling

  • How greenhouse gases and carbon emissions affect climate change
  • Understand how the food industry is negatively impacting the environment
  • Discover the consumer demand for carbon footprint labelling
  • Ways to decrease a business’s or product’s carbon footprint
  • Tech available to help businesses calculate their carbon footprint.
free carbon labelling for food whitepaper download
Have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we calculate the carbon footprint of food?
What does CO2e mean?
Is offsetting taken into account?
Do we offer full ‘life cycle assessments’?
How are carbon labelling, carbon neutral, and net zero different?
How does the My Emissions carbon rating work?