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Natasha’s Law compliant food labelling

From October 2021, all food prepared on the premises of a shop or dining space where it is sold will be legally required to label that food with a full ingredient list with all allergens highlighted.

screen shot of food labelling template library software.

What changed in the legislation?

Natasha’s Law, officially known as the UK Food Information Amendment, is an update to existing legislation in England, Northern Ireland and Wales (it’s likely that Scotland will follow suit).

It requires food businesses to provide clearly:

1. Name of the food
this is a more descriptive name of what's in the dish, such as the example below on the right.

2. A complete list of ingredients with the 14 allergenic ingredients emphasised (for example, in bold, italics or a different colour) on the labels of foods prepackaged for direct sale on the premises (PPDS).

compliant food label example

Download our industry guide and make sure you’re compliant!

From October 2021, regulations affected businesses selling foods prepackaged for direct sale on premises (PPDS).

Everything you need to know to be compliant with Natasha’s Law can be found in this guide, including:

  • What Natasha’s Law is, and why it is so important
  • A guide to  product labelling for PPDS
  • A review of 14 main allergens
  • The definition of PPDS and explanation of what foods are included
  • How to construct an allergen management plan
Download here
free natasha's law whitepaper download