OOH is a monthly magazine that celebrates all aspects of the bakery, sandwich and beverage sector, offering the reader a vivid insight into the industry with vibrant photographs, interviews and recipes.In the December 2016 issue Kafoodle’s co-founder, Tarryn Gore, was featured in the Desert Island Dishes feature. Desert Island Dishes is a long standing article that asks individuals to chose the food they would take with them if stranded on a desert island (they are also allowed a book choice and luxury item!)Included in Tarryn’s mouth-watering list of meals, are her mum’s mussels (with home-grown tomatoes) fish and chips (her absolute favorite) and steak tartar (her default restaurant dish). Tarryn also chose The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho as her book choice and sun cream for her luxury item to keep her skin burn-free!